Date: 8 June 2022 

Loan No. and Title: 3843-MON: Improving access to health services for disadvantaged groups-Tranche 1 (49173-004)       


  • The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has been Mongolia’s key health sector development partner since 1993, providing five loans totaling $84.90 million, seven grants totaling $37.00 million, and 15 technical assistance (TA) projects totaling $10.65 million. The past projects achieved significant results through comprehensive health system support and strengthening, including for PHC reform and investments, information and communications technology, medicine and pharmaceutical procurement reforms, establishment of health insurance, health infrastructure, and sector governance. Despite these achievements, Mongolia faces a continuing burden from both communicable and noncommunicable diseases, resulting in premature mortality and high levels of disability, which prevent the nation from fulfilling its economic potential. 
  • This Project aims to support in improving health care services to marginalized populations in Ulaanbaatar ger area, Khovd and Uvs aimags, and in selected soums, development of health financing system and procurement capacity nationwide. Emergency medical care will be strengthened by providing infrastructure and medical equipment. More information about the project can be obtained from: 


The investment program has the following four Objectives: 

(i) Strengthen urban and rural primary health care: The project will establish 10 gender and client-friendly family health centers (FHCs) providing expanded health services to target populations in Ulaanbaatar, and six gender and client-friendly soum health centers (SHCs) in selected aimags to strengthen PHC. 

(ii) Strengthen district and aimag hospital services: The project will establish a model, gender-sensitive district hospital in Chingeltei district, and upgrade Khan Uul district hospital in Ulaanbaatar by functionally linking in- and outpatient services for surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, and other disciplines

(iii) Strengthen health financing system: The project will strengthen the capacity of health staff and streamline health services by establishing a program for service quality monitoring, and policy coordination for a strategic purchasing model involving the health insurance organization, MOF and MOH. 

(iv) Strengthen procurement and financial management capacity of government health entities: The Project will support a continuous capacity building program for procurement, financial, and risk management procedures for the government entities. 


Under the Objectives 1 and 2, the Project will upgrade four Family Health Centers (FHC), seven Soum Health Centers (SHC), and National Emergency Center in terms of infrastructure, staffing and equipment, and build 2 aimag general hospitals. The project is classified as category C for involuntarily resettlement and resettlement framework has been prepared to serve as guide in the screening, preparation, and implementation of the land acquisition and resettlement plan for components. 

The Khovd aimag is inhabited by various ethnic groups: Bayad, Buriad, Durvud, Kazakh, Khalimag, Khalk, Khoton, Myangad, Torguud, Tuva, Uriankhai, Uuld, and Zakhchin; and Uvs aimags includes Bayad, Durvud, and Khalk ethnic groups.  The project will ensure that these groups will equally benefit from the Project by developing measures to enhance access to and inclusiveness of services, which are included in the social and gender action plan (SGAP) to promote socially inclusive and culturally responsive health care services.  An ethnic minority development plan will be prepared and submitted to ADB for approval. 

The resettlement specialist will monitor implementation of the components to ensure and confirm that there are no involuntary resettlement impacts. If there are unforeseen impacts, measures will be formulated as appropriate according to ADB safeguards policy and the agreed resettlement framework for the program. For such components with involuntary resettlement impacts, the specialist will prepare and implement a resettlement plan in accordance with the agreed resettlement framework. Monitoring of resettlement plan implementation for such components will be carried out by the PIU consistent with the provisions of the resettlement framework.


In line with the ADB’s safeguards policy, the specialist will perform the tasks under the direct supervision of the PIU Coordinator:

(i) Based on the finalized sites of the health facilities to be taken up under Tranche 1, gather status information from relevant stakeholders and confirm whether the implementation of the proposed components will result in any involuntary resettlement impacts or not;

(ii) Develop safeguard documents including the resettlement due diligence reports or corrective action due diligence reports for the health facilities in each site and assess the need for any updating, based on final detailed designs;

(iii) Periodic monitoring of the resettlement due diligence reports in accordance with the Government and ADB Safeguard Policy Statement requirements, and provide guidance and support for its effective implementation including follow up or corrective measures identified in the due diligence reports;

(iv) prepare land acquisition and resettlement plans (LARP) for health facilities in each site that would trigger involuntary resettlement impacts, consistent with national requirements, the provisions of the resettlement framework for the program and ADB SPS;

(v) ensure meaningful consultation and participation of affected households, civil society stakeholders, community-based organizations, and relevant government agencies in the planning and implementation of the resettlement plans and corrective actions identified in the safeguard documents; 

(vi) coordinate with relevant government agencies to help the project establish and update an effective grievance redress mechanism (GRM), provide guidance and support its effective implementation, and monitor its implementation; 

(vii) report to MOH and ADB on implementation of resettlement;

(viii) Support the PIU in any advance actions or preparatory activities pertaining to land acquisition and resettlement aspects associated with Tranche 2 components, including preparation of screening reports, due diligence reports and resettlement plans, as required. 


Main requirements: He/she will have a bachelor of science degree or equivalent in social development or related field (land management), with preferably 5 years’ experience in resettlement management, implementation of social safeguards, and complaints resolution. 

Specific experience: worked on at least two international funded agencies, preferably with ADB supported as a social safeguard specialist on land acquisition and involuntary resettlement.

F. Application submission procedure

Interested applicants should submit an application consisting of the following documents, prepared in English and Mongolian languages: 

  • Cover letter (maximum 2 pages) explaining the reasons for applying for the positions, describing how the candidate’s qualification, skills and work experiences meet the selection criteria;
  • Curriculum Vitae with ID photos (3x4) attached; 
  • 2 reference letters from a previous employer/supervisor or persons who know the candidate well;
  • Copies of all diplomas and certificates;
  • Other supporting documents (such as information on previously conducted similar works, proof of English language proficiency etc).

All documents should be submitted through ADB’s Consultant Management System (CMS) at link: ( on 14 June 2022. 

Contact information: 

          The Ministry of Health of Mongolia, Project implementation unit for HSDP-4,4+ and 5.

          Sukhbaatar district, Olympic Street 2,

          Extension of the Government Building-8, Room No.6

          Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 

          Tel: +976-329369


          Only the short-listed candidates will be contacted and asked to have a job interview with MOH’s Consultant’s Selection Committee. Submission with incomplete materials will not be considered.


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