Invitation for consulting service on planning and implementation of communication and media campaign on blood safety, hospital hygiene and infection prevention contr
Fifth Health Sector Development Project
The ADB Loan 2963-MON “Fifth Health Sector Development Project” (FiHSDP) aims to provide patient and health workers safety in project-supported hospitals of Mongolia. The project’s geographical focus includes secondary and tertiary hospitals in Ulaanbaatar, National Center of Transfusiology Medicine, 21 aimags and soum health centers. The project has the following three components:
1. Safe Blood Transfusions
2. Medical Waste Management
3. Hospital Hygiene and Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)
The project is inviting national firms or NGOs to provide consulting service on planning and implementation of communication and media campaign on blood safety, hospital hygiene and infection prevention control.
The consulting service aims to plan behavior change and communication process effectively amongst target population, stakeholders including health care workers and develop communication and media materials in the areas of voluntarily non remunerated blood donation, hospital hygiene and IPC.
Target group is 18-60 years old general population and health care workers.
To express interest for the assignment please visit: for registration and submission of expression of interest (EOIs).
Deadline for submission of EOIs is 16 November 2016.
Details on terms of reference are available at:
Project implementation unit for the FiHSDP
The Government building #8; Olympic Street 2, Ulaanbaatar
Ministry of Health, Extension building-Third Floor, Room #6
Tel: + (976) 329369