VACANCY NOTICE -DETAILED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR MEDICAL STORAGE FACILITY (3.5 person-months, intermittent)Date: 16 April 2021 Loan No. and Title: L3921-MON: Fifth Health Sector Devel
VACANCY NOTICE FOR MEDIA CONTENT AND PUBLIC RELATIONS (PR) EXPERT(2 person-months, intermittent)Date: 14 April 2021Loan No. and Title: Grant 0236-MON: Fourth Health Sector Development ProjectДЭЛГЭРЭНГ
Source of Funding: Asian Development Bank financing 100%Loan number and title: L3921-MON Fifth Health Sector Development Project (Emergency Assistance Loan for Additional Financing)Contract Ref: G11:
Онцгой байдлын үеийн эм эмнэлгийн хэрэгслийн нөөцийн байрны барилгын ажлын зураг төсөл, угсралтын ажилТендерийн нээлтийн тэмдэглэл
VACANCY NOTICE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST (28 person-months, intermittent)Loan No. and Title: 3843-MON: Improving access to health services for disadvantaged groups-Tranche 1 (49173-004)  
VACANCY NOTICE FOR SOCIAL POVERTY AND GENDER EXPERT (18 person-months, intermittent)Date: 5 February 2021 Loan No. and Title: 3843-MON: Improving access to health services for disadvantaged group
VACANCY NOTICE FOR RESETTLEMENT SPECIALIST (25 person-months, intermittent)Date: 5 February 2021 Loan No. and Title: 3843-MON: Improving access to health services for disadvantaged groups-T
Source of Funding: Asian Development Bank financing 100%Loan number and title: L3921-MON Fifth Health Sector Development Project (Emergency Assistance Loan for Additional Financing)Contract Ref:
Project title: Loan 3921-MON: Fifth Health Sector Development Project Emergency Assistance Loan for Additional Financing Date: 7 December 2020 Duration: 2 Person months, intermittent&nb
Source of Funding: Asian Development Bank financing 100% Loan number and title: L3921-MONFifth Health Sector Development Project (Emergency Assistance Loan for Additional Financing) Contract Ref: G0